Building Your Strength: 15 Days Squat Challenge | Yoga Products Top
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Building Your Strength: 15 Days Squat Challenge

  • 15Tage
  • 20Schritte
Jeder, der alle Schritte abgeschließt, erhält am Ende des Programms ein Abzeichen.


This 15 day squat challenge will have you working your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves. You will not need any equipment for this challenge, so it’s perfect you can do it anywhere, anytime. However, if you would like to increase the intensity you may add free weights or a band around your thighs for the exercises. If it is too challenging for you use a wall or chair for support. The challenge consists of 5 exercises which makes up one set. You will start off slowly completing 25 reps total,working your way up to as many as 150 reps. It will challenge you by building muscle strength and endurance. By isolating the medius, minimus and maximus muscles you will achieve that firm, strong, shapelier rear view you desire! If you are combining this challenge with other workouts it is suggested to avoid isolating the lower body and concentrate on cardio, upper body or core training.

Die Teilnahme an diesem Programm ist über die App von Wix möglich. App öffnen



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